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on July 14, 2016 at 8:03:10 pm



JUAMI 2016: Materials for Sustainable Energy


Nelson Mandela African Inst. for Science and Tech. in Arusha, Tanzania
May 29 - June 10, 2016


Visit http://juami.ms.northwestern.edu/ for program information


Welcome to the JUAMI Research Exchange!


The Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute (JUAMI) aims to build materials science research and collaborations between the United States and Africa, with an initial focus on East Africa, and to develop ties between young materials researchers in both regions in schools taught by leading materials science researchers. This web portal is a multi-purpose website serving the growing JUAMI community. It is first and foremost a platform for continued research collaboration between African and US materials scientists, but also a centralized resource including a discussion board, lecture materials from the JUAMI 2012 Energy Materials School, information about conferences and workshops, and much more. Welcome aboard!



How can we help you?




  • Where is all of the JUAMI 2016 content?

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